

Phyllanthus plays promising hepatoprotective role proven in modern Researches

Phyllanthus, also known as ‘Bhumi Amla’ is one of the herbal plants from the family of Euphorbiaceae. The analysis of the extract revealed several bioactive molecules and chemical agents including phyllanthin, hypophyllanthin, phyltetralin, niranthin, nirtetralin, hinokinin and isolintetralin which are lignans belongingĀ  to the polyphenols group of compounds with well known antioxidant properties.
It is a well-known hepatoprotective herb and one of the key ingredients of the scientifically researched product ‘KAMALAHAR’ manufactured by “Khatore Pharmaceuticals”.’
‘Kamalahar’ is proven as hepatoprotective with a curative action in the ailments like Hepatitis, Ascitis, Liver cirrhosisĀ  caused by different pathological factors. ‘Kamalahar’ has Hepatoptrotective action by virtue of Phyllanthus and other ingredients used. It is the synergistic action of all ingredients which make KAMALAHAR outstanding in terms of efficacy and safety.
In a research levels of different liver marker enzymes in serum and different anti-oxidant enzymes, as well as lipid peroxidation products and glutathione (GSH) in liver homogenates were measured in normal, control (toxicity induced) and phyllanthus treated mice. Administration of CCl(4), which is generally used in labs to induce liver toxicity for experimental point of view ,increased the serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (GPT) and alkaline phosphatase (ALP) levels of mice sera along with increased lipid peroxidation and reduced levels of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD) and catalase (CAT) in the liver. Treatment with the extract of Phyllanthus significantly altered these changes to almost normal. The extract also showed protective properties as was evidenced in histopathological studies. Results suggest that the extract of Phyllanthus protects liver tissues against oxidative damage and somehow helps stimulating repair mechanism present in liver.
Hence,Phyllanthus along with other herbs in “Kamalahar” makes it an excellent Hepatoprotective medicine.Persons who are susceptible for liver disorders should start taking 2 caps thrice a day after meal.