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Other Liver Disorder
Mrs. Pooja New Delhi
My husband had liver abscess. The abscess was 800 cc. He is also a diabetic. After treatment with Kamalahar for 4 months, he has recovered from his liver abscess.
Mr. G Singh Agra, Uttar Pradesh
I was suffering from Alcoholic Liver Disorder. I showed to doctors in Agra but there was no benefit. I was referred to ILBS (Institute of Liver and Biliary Sciences) Delhi. I was admitted there for about 12 days. When I was discharged my bilirubin was still 13 and I was not feeling hungry. My brother's boss told me about Kamalahar and how it has benefited his father. I started taking Kamalahar and I was back to normal. I also started eating normally. Along with Kamalahar I only took diabetes medicine as I also have diabetes. When I was normal I made a mistake and took alcohol again which again created problem. But then I started taking Kamalahar again and have shunned alcohol. I am fully normal now.
Mr. Dutta Assam
My stomach was getting swollen. Initially I thought it was gas problem but then I found out that it was liver problem. I took Kamalahar for about 9 months to get cured.
Mr. Patel Ahemdabad, Gujarat
I had cyst and as a result I was feeling fatigued and tired. After taking Kamalahar for one and half years, my liver is back to normal and I feel happy.